Misprints / Test Prints / Old Designs / etc.
As a result of printing our merch ourselves, we'll often end up with prints that have blemishes, are incomplete, or are test prints on lower quality shirts. We'll also often come across older designs in the garage or at the bottom of the merch bag that don't have a place on the merch table any more. These are all perfectly wearable and if I'm being honest, some of the misprints lend a hand to my amateur design/printing skills... However they are just not how we intended to offer them and we wouldn't feel comfortable selling them at full price, so here they are at a discount.
There are quite a few different prints/sizes/designs/etc, and unfortunately we don't have the ability to show them all on this site. We have done our best to describe each below however if there are any questions or if you would like pictures please reach out! Rest assured, we are not offering anything we wouldn't wear ourselves (if it was appropriate to wear your own band's shirts): [email protected]
• Ezekiel Test Print - This was printed on an Alstyle 1301 shirt with white & reflective ink. These are all essentially perfect prints, they're just on some overstock shirts I had on hand. (Small / Large)
• Ezekiel Skewed print on Lifewear - Towards the end of printing this run, I guess I was a little tired and started to put the shirts on a little skewed. The print is perfect otherwise and these union made shirts are great! (Medium / Large)
• Strike Back on Bayside 5040 - I printed these in June 2020 with proceeds going towards bail funds/organizers on the ground of the many anti-racist/anti-fascist demonstrations going on at the time. I just found this small in a random box in the garage! (Small)
• Summer 2022 Tour Shirt on USBlanks 2000 - I believe this was the shirt we displayed on the merch table for this tour, another one I found in ANOTHER random box. (Small)